
Online Shopping Vs. In store Shopping
Oct 13, 2020
Online shopping is pretty much the new normal now, especially in a restrictive time of...
Out With The Old and In With The New!
Oct 05, 2020
Whether you are new to the vaping community or a veteran, chances are that you...
Our Name is Not Lighter USA for Nothing!
Sep 29, 2020
At some point or another everyone needs a lighter for something, even if you aren't...
Switch It Up With the Dr. Dabber Switch!
Sep 18, 2020
Ready to switch it up? Meet the Dr. Dabber Switch! If you're looking for the...
Ready to Go Global? Lighter USA Is!
Aug 25, 2020
Ready to go global? We are! You have asked for it, and we have listened....
Dr. Dabber Stella... to Infinity and Beyond!
Aug 01, 2020
It's finally here! One of the most anticipated vapes of 2020...Dr. Dabber's Stella is ready...